Month: May 2016

Employer’s “Over-Reaction to a One-Off Event” Results in Six Months’ Severance to Short Term Employee

An employer’s “overblown reaction” to an employee’s “inappropriate” and “unfortunate” conduct did not permit it to dismiss the employee for just cause or rely on the “inaccurate and misleading” termination documents signed by the employee on the day of his termination. In Saliken v. Alpine Aerotech Limited Partnership, 2016 BCSC 832, the plaintiff was a […]  Read more

BC Court of Appeal Rules not all Workplace Discrimination is within the Jurisdiction of the Human Rights Tribunal

The BC Human Rights Tribunal had no jurisdiction over a workplace discrimination complaint made by a supervisor against an employee who had no ability to force the supervisor to endure such conduct, the BC Court of Appeal has held.   In Schrenk v. British Columbia Human Rights Tribunal, 2016 BCCA 146, the complainant, a civil […]  Read more

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