Carly Beatty, Director of Operations at Pulver Crawford Munroe LLP

July 15, 2024

Meet Carly Beatty, Director of Operations

Pulver Crawford Munroe LLP is pleased to introduce Carly Beatty, our new Director of Operations. Carly has worked in the legal industry for over 15 years. She brings a wealth of experience to our firm, having excelled in front-line litigation support and office coordination in both small and national firm settings.Her recognized leadership ability and talent for problem-solving most recently led her to take up a pivotal role in launching and expanding the BC presence of an international law firm. In addition, she is in the process of completing a Business Management Certificate at Simon Fraser University.

Carly has a comprehensive understanding of the business side of legal practice and day-to-day law firm operations, from facilities management to human resources. We are confident she will be a valuable asset to our firm, and we are delighted to have her join our team. Welcome, Carly!

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