
Statutory Update:  Pay Transparency Act Reporting Requirements

Marino Sveinson & Armina Birdi (LR Advisor) The Pay Transparency Regulation is now law. The Regulation details the information that affected employers must include in their annual pay transparency reports. For background please see our prior bulletins about the statutory requirements implemented this year pursuant to the Pay Transparency Act (“PTA”) that affect employers in British […]  Read more

PCM Lawyers on Globe and Mail’s list of Canada’s Best Law Firms 2024

Pulver Crawford Munroe LLP is pleased to announce that our firm has been recognized on The Globe and Mail’s list of Canada’s Best Law Firms 2024. The complete list can be viewed on the Globe and Mail website. The Globe and Mail list was curated from recommendations made by lawyers (peer-to-peer survey) and clients (corporate […]  Read more

Pay Transparency Act Update

In a previous post, we wrote about the introduction of the BC Pay Transparency Act (the “Act”) which came into force on May 11, 2023. The Act imposed various requirements on employers in BC that apply in stages in an attempt to address the pay gap, which negatively and disproportionately impacts women and gender and […]  Read more

B.C. Introduces the Pay Transparency Act

On March 7, 2023, the B.C. government introduced Bill 13 – Pay Transparency Act.  The Bill received Royal Assent on May 11, 2023, and all provisions of the Act came into force on that same day except for section 2 (the provision on job postings) which will come into force on November 1, 2023.  The […]  Read more

Bill 24 –  National Day for Truth & Reconciliation Not Covered by the “Meet or Exceed” Test for Collective Agreements

The National Day for Truth and Reconciliation is now required to be observed regardless of collective agreement provisions. On May 11, 2023, Bill 24 received Royal Assent in the B.C. Legislature.  Part 5 of the Bill amends section 3 of the B.C. Employment Standards Act (the “ESA”) such that the “meet or exceed” test for […]  Read more

Webinar June 13, 2023: Cross-Country Legal Update: Employment Contracts and Remote Work

As workplaces emerge from the pandemic, employers across Canada continue to face unique challenges and new expectations. Advocates for Employers of Canada (AEC) has assembled a panel of knowledgeable speakers from coast to coast for a 2-hour webinar on June 13, 2023 to discuss the latest updates in Canadian labour and employment law. Our partner […]  Read more

Province’s minimum wage set to increase by over a dollar

Yesterday, the Province announced that British Columbia’s minimum wage for workers will be increasing from $15.65 to $16.75 an hour on June 1, 2023. The increase is based on British Columbia’s average inflation rate in 2022, which was 6.9%. The Government has also indicated an ongoing commitment to tie annual minimum wage increases to inflation. […]  Read more

Pulver Crawford Munroe LLP Lawyers Ranked as Leading Practitioners in The 2023 Canadian Legal Lexpert®

Pulver Crawford Munroe LLP is proud to announce that seven of our lawyers were recognized in The 2023 Canadian Legal Lexpert® Directory rankings for British Columbia earlier this month. Lexpert® Canada recognizes the country’s leading practitioners and firms. Being “Lexpert-ranked” is an acknowledgement of excellence by our peers and colleagues. We are honoured that our lawyers have […]  Read more


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